由白井悠介领衔主演《战斗员派遣中!》高清在线观看,剧情内容以动画为核心描述了"Secret Society Tsukigetsu" is on the brink of achieving their goal to conquer the world. In order to expand their territory, they send the combatant known as Number Six as a vanguard to the newly invaded land. However, his actions cause frustration and headaches for the leaders of the society. 根据HD影视了解到,《战斗员派遣中!》的首映地区是日本,播出时间为2021-01-15,截至今日,全网观看人数达到了3161万次,综合评分8.5,HD影视提供《战斗员派遣中!》高清播放地址:https://www.gzhdf.com/Show/71269-1-1.html